The economic resilience of investing in Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA)

Zenzic’s CIO, Thomas Lloyd-Jones, has just written a thought-provoking article in Intelligent Partnership’s latest BR Update on the economic resilience of investing in Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA). The piece explains the investment characteristics and attractions inherent in PBSA including the ability to generate inflation hedged income returns underpinned by demographic demand drivers. To check out the … Read more

ZEPS wins Best New Service at the Growth Investor Awards!

Zenzic won Best New Service at the Growth Investor Awards for the Zenzic Estate Planning Service (“ZEPS”) The service stood out to the judges for its robust product offering, delivering consistent returns with a fee structure that aligns with the interests of investors. The other finalists included Barclays Bank, Committed Capital , Fuel Ventures, Hawksmoor … Read more

Business Relief Update featuring Tom Lloyd-Jones

By building a solid core of broad-based, lower-risk investments and adding a satellite allocation to specialist managers or niche asset classes, you can enhance returns and add meaningful diversification.While the core delivers stability, these smaller satellite positions, such as the Zenzic Estate Planning Service, help capture opportunities in areas with higher growth potential or unique market dynamics. The result? … Read more